IH 80 EB

PA 33, a freeway, has a height restriction (although it is considerably higher than any I've seen in NJ...)

Where would you like to go today? Unfortunately, this is the aforementioned PA 33.

Right around here in Stroudsburg, US 209 and IH 80 have a small multiplex.

You've seen this before on the site, just not in this direction.

Why just East Stroudsburg? That's a bit vague...

Here's the US 209/IH 80 split. PA 447 is a dinky little route that runs north from here.

Why this is blue, I don't know. In any case, get off here or enter NJ (I chose the former).

<-- Leg 10 (IH 380 WB) | Leg 12 (PA 611) -->