These photos were taken on the "freeway" stretch of US 11 south of Clarks Green coming from IH 81.
Bonus shot! on Bus US 6. Click for an ex-treme close-up.
Hmm... what to chose, what to chose? Luckily, you don't have to, because I went NB.
PA Turnpike. Here's a tip for non-Scrantonites: Taking IH 81-IH 476-US 11 is easy, but tollfull. Try this: IH 81-Fast merge Bus US 6-US 11, like I took. Once again, extreeeme closeup on click.
Wooooahh... that's hiiiigh. A really hiiiigh bridge that serves as the last bridge the PA Turnpike will ever see. Look at a map and see that after this bridge, the Turnpike makes a sharp turn onto IH 81. It was supposed to continue to at least the NY border. End history lesson.
Last photos. The whole Clarks area seems to be ladled with xx7's.